After helplessly standing there and watching her tap through his phone like it was her own, during which the front of his padding had grown a little bit tighter in his pants from a poorly timed wetting, she had handed the device back with a smirk.
“Oh, and one more thing, if you don’t pick up within the first few rings when I call you, you’ll regret it.”
Now as the first few chimes of the xylophone sung merrily in his empty bedroom, Kazard swung back his shower curtain in a sweeping motion and bolted for his bedroom door.
Soap suds and water dripping from his damp fur he rushed over to his phone, ensuring that he clicked the green answer button.
As his still damp finger pads desperately tapped the phone screen, he opened the call.
“Hello Kazzie, I’ve got a little errand for you to run for me. Run to the store and pick up a bag of marshmallows and be in my house in, let’s say, 20 minutes. Don’t be late, unless you want the boss tomorrow to get a particularly detailed insight on what kind of underwear you’re wearing these days. My address will be in your text messages, see you soon, hun!”
“But what about…”
Before Kaz had a chance to properly respond, Arya had hung up the phone. The fox groaned, staring dejectedly at how now black phone screen.
A small hissing noise caught his attention, and he glanced down to his utter horror that he was currently peeing on the carpet of his bedroom.
And of course, he only had twenty minutes to dry, put on a fresh diaper, clothes, drive to the store, buy marshmallows, and drive over to Aryas giving him no time to clean up the now growing puddle.
Swearing, he rushed back into the bathroom, clumsily rubbing the soap out of his fur and frantically unfolding a diaper and laying it down on the tiled floor.
As the lock symbols appeared on the sloppy tape job, securing his diaper for the next 24 hour period he half waddled half sprinted over to his bedroom to put on some clothes.
About 7 minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of his local gas station, praying that there would still be some s’more making supplies on sale inside.
The ding of the front door ringer met his ears as he strode with purpose over to the snack eye, his eyes landing on the cheerful coloration of a package of marshmallows as he felt a slight sense of relief.
Grabbing it, he thrust his other paw into his pocket to take out his wallet.
“Hi there, just this please.”
He fidgeted, idly glancing at the row of candy bars as he waited for the cashier to scan his item. He was greeted with silence.
Curious, he glanced up to gaze at the cashier’s face to see what was wrong. The teenage raccoon behind the register wearing a shirt with a name tag displaying the name, “Ray” was staring dumbly at Kazards’ crotch.
The fox glanced down, only to find his cheeks burning as he realized he had failed to properly zip up his pants.
The top of the diaper was exposed for all to see, the thickness of his underwear holding his pants up regardless of his open fly.
Hastily, Kazard stuffed the front of his shirt into the front of his pants, zipping them up clumsily as he managed to stutter out.
“S-sorry… Check me out please, I’m in a hurry.”